It's time for new beginnings. Not only for the body, mind and soul but for our living spaces too. I cant function if there isn't some sort of order in the house. I even know a lady who told me if the house isn't tidy when her hubby gets home, he quietly disappears until it is......It's not just about a tidy house though, we feel better when things are where they should be. Which is better, a grubby wall or a freshly painted one? Which is better, blinds & curtains hanging neatly, or half up, half down or torn or broken. Are there still Christmas tree needles appearing even after you know you have hoovered them all up, if so then you are normal, where do they come from? Read on for a few tips on how to replace the object of great beauty that was once your adorned Christmas tree and love your room again. 1. I would suggest at this stage if the room needs painting, put a weekend by, strip the room and go for it. You don't even need a weekend. I remember years ago my husbands parents painting the room around us. As "Mrs" removed all the pictures "MR" painted, and "Mrs" put the pictures back up as he went along. All done and dusted in an evening. Or even better, just get the painters in. 2. Have you looked at the floor recently? It might be time to paint that too. Ivory is the colour right now, it looks fabulous but takes at lease 2 days to dry between coats and I would recommend 3 coats. Carpet is back too and has great insulation properties, This is my favourite at the moment and is quick and easy to do. No mess or fuss and it feels and looks good. 3. Next I would look at the lighting. if you are happy with the light fitting , you might want to consider a dimmer switch if you haven't one already. And if a new fitting is required I am all for "The Chandelier" right now. We recently did a job with chandelier and matching wall lights on a dimmer and the difference it made was amazing. Also lamps on dimmers or a standard lamp in the corner is good, although hard to find a nice one. 4. Do the blinds or curtains need attention? Blinds can be reversed and repaired, and don't forget if you have children, to make sure they have child safety devices fitted. Also check the cleaning instructions and do whatever is necessary to dust or clean your curtains. I recommend regular light dusting and hoovering, dry cleaning and washing them is my last resort. If you keep then dust free washing shouldn't be necessary. 5. Invest in some nice storage trunks or baskets to put throws , books , toys or magazines. Even remote controls are a pain when thrown around . A little box or basket is all that is needed to keep these in the one place. 6. Picture frames are a great way to make a statement and fill a wall space, all the photo labs will print directly now from your smart phone, so its never been easier. Picture frames & a lamp will fill a corner. This lamp is only €125 This wall light is only €75 , matching 3 arm chandelier €125 So you see, it doesn't cost the earth to make a few simple changes .
Why not go for it? We all deserve a nice place to sit and relax all year round, not just at Christmas Any questions just ask. [email protected] |
Welcome to our interiors & lifestyle blog. We'll be posting regular articles about cutting edge trends in interior design, as well as some descriptions of work we've just done. Most of the posts are from me but we will have guest posts too. We will talk about my house and yours and tell you what we are wild about at the moment. There will be plenty of hints & tips & a bit of fun stuff too. Thank you for following our blog. You did, didnt you ? Paula x Blogging about all things interiors & moreCategories